ON THE PASSING OF THE 46A To those of Irish descent (I was thrown out of an Aer Lingus Dublin to Milan flight in a shamrock-green parachute over Manchester myself), you may care to join me in a minute's silence for the passing of a well-loved Dublin institution. So well-loved, that a group called Bagatelle mentioned it in their 1980 worldwide hit "Summer in Dublin". This passing institution is no less a monument to Irish society than the 46A bus from Dublin City Centre to the port suburb of Dun Laoghaire, the one no one outside Ireland can either spell or pronounce. Actually, it's getting to the stage that not many people in Dublin can spell it either (according to a poll undertaken in Allahu's Snackbar, Glasnevin) Yes, the passing of this great institution. I remember standing at bus stops in the rain myself, putting my hand out and seeing this great 46A pass by. It was one of the first buses in the world to follow the "safety in numbers rule", where yo...
The Grumpy Old Blog
On my soapbox again!