As I write this, there are only seven hours to go until a year until Eurovision 2024. Yes, we'll have the tabloids shouting "Livertastic" and The Metro quoting some idiotic soshul influenza nonentity in tears, sobbing how "like, super brilliant" and how "like, super happy" she is, while toting some illegal derma filler she's promoting to her flock of sheep for a vast fee under the guise of "like, all her own, like, super work". Also as I write, the BBC are winding up their language booths to provide a translation service for what the BBC presenters are saying about how "exih-id" they are with Eurovision from their version of English into a version of English the rest of the population can understand. Sadly, the time has now run out for viewers to obtain the free Eurovision anti-glare spectacles to guard against the dangerous light rays reflected back from Rylan's teeth. It has united the main UK political parties that the o...
On my soapbox again!