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"Secular Koranism" or "satanic krankyism"? You decide!

(A very ironic question above. . . . WTF indeed! Does even its inventor know?)

Can I interest you in a motor insurance policy, there's reasonable monthy repayments . . . . . but do note that it won't pay out if you have a motor accident or if someone steals your car?

Well how about buying my restaurant? It seats 70 people, has an ultra-modern catering kitchen and a fully-stocked bar . . . . . . . although, sorry, you can't serve food and drink in it, and you will have to close by 6.00pm each evening before dinner.

Or maybe you’d prefer to go to DFS and pay the full retail price for a sofa?

Ok. Perhaps not. Well in that case, why not try "secular koranism"? It's wonderful in the same way as you get to have a deserved rest in bed when you contract malaria.

This is, admittedly a long blog. It is based purely on what I have read and replied (sometimes at length, but it seems to be water off an especially waterproof duck's back) to the inventor of this incredibly nonsensical and quite cultish "secular koranism".

I have also undertaken extensive research into the often stupid, infantile and often dangerous socially irresponsible, oxymoronic claims she makes in relation to Islam. Or rather, what she ignores about Islam.

Strangely this above, for some uncanny reason, reminds me of a certain A Hitler of the 1930’s.

I will stress, as I have done and continue to do on many occasions, that I have numerous Muslim friends who think she is barking and actually a liability to Islam. To save you reading through my blog it in its entirety to see if it is of interest, here is the very briefest of summaries. Also, I am making claims all based on my observances and then researching those observances. Unlike this woman and her cronies, I have steered away, as I always do, from fake news, conspiracy theorising and blame culture. It's all about what I have identified and observed. 

In the meantime, here is a blog from some 12 years ago that I found more than interesting.

  • You won't find a website or any scholarly articles on "secular koranism" out there on the internet. No offices. No officers. No staff. Not even a pamphet similar to those given away by Jehovah's Witnesses or the Mormons. In fact, if you google the invented oxymoron "secular koranism", this is the result - a "do you mean?" response from Mr Google, with the top result being from a graduate of Stony Brook University who has a degree in Political Science and Religious Studies - far more qualified that the originator of "secular koranism"

  • the inventor is a former Buddhist, now Agnostic, who, while she pushes her "secular" (non-religious) "koranism" (her own invented term "koranism" which infers adherence to a bible which is religious) wants everyone to convert to Islam. The notion of her invented term "secular koranism" would be equivalent to campaigning for meat-eating veganism or asking Royal Mail to use a ship for airmail deliveries
  • she will not admit the term should really be "secular Muslim"
  • she seeks Sharia Law (religious, and the decidely unharmonious division of Islam) to be enshrined in the USA constitution
  • she seeks the Supreme Court of the United States to acknowledge (remember, she is Agnostic, and peddling something she claims is secular) the rules and commandments of Allah (not known for being an especially secular person himself)
  • she does not acknowledge the millions of people killed by Muslim-on-Muslim agression 
  • she wants people given 100 lashes if they have a child out of wedlock
  • she wants a ban on gay marriage or civil partnerships
  • she does not acknowledge that many acts of modern terrorism have been through Islamic extremism
  • she does not condemn Islamic terrorism, so therefore she does not condemn groups such as ISIS, Boko Haram, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Al Queda, Hizbollah or any of the groups listed here many of which are proscribed by sentient people
  • she has never apologised for 9/11, 7/7, Manchester Arena, Israeli Olympic athletes or any other Koranic-inspired terrorism acts of the past 30 years, something a genuine Agnostic would be on point with immediately
  • she claims it is better for people to be to the far right (the very ones who seek to destroy Islam) than to disagree with her
  • she claims Christinaity "is kaput", yet will not condemn the unique Islamic traits of blasphemy murders in Pakistan, compulsory burka/niqab wearing for women, girls not allowed to attend school to get educated, 95% of females being genitally mutilated in Somalia, underage female marriage and the utterly nonsensical notion of 72 virgins awaiting murdrous Islamic martyrs to arrive at their feet
  • she does not disagree that in Turkey, Islamist sex with children is fine while condemning it is an offense
  • she has never condemned fatwahs where some complete off-his-head weirdbeard from the likes of Iran will issue a 'holy' hit squad on someone they don't agree with - cf, Sir Salman Rushdie
  • she reposts videos (rather than make direct comments herself) from the wierdest bunch of conspiracy theorists and fake news providers on the internet, and is a fan of the divisive and crazy Russian Television, broadcast home/former home to the likes of George Galloway and David Icke
  • she is a fan of the hypocritical, reprehensible and professional antisemitic harridan that is the American senator Ilan Omar
  • if you comment on her postings, at least 80% of the time she will reply with a question rather than address the point you originally raised
  • her get-out clause is to immediately call you an Islamophobe (or, as a "legally qualified moralist promoting a new legal system" she calls you a "senile dementia" sufferer) if you say anything against Islam that she doesn't like (remember, she is an Agnostic who will otherwise merrily and hypocritically besmirch and insult Christianity herself at every opportunity without fear of a Christian "fatwah" being imposed on her, because she knows that unlike her Muslim jihadist heroes, "kaput" Christians don't impose that barbaric and deeply antisocial practice on people who disagree with them or their normal Bible)
  • she tries to push you towards joining her Telegram group, a platform beloved by jihadists, cranks, antisemites, Islamophones, homophobes, fake news spreaders and conspiracy theorists for their private conversations
  • she is very, very confused, and as a result a potentially great danger to society

These passages are contained in the religious manual she wants us all to join (yes, it sounds silly joining a religious manual, but that is what the oxymoron "secular koranism" implies). Yes, utterly meaningless.

So, to business in more detail.

At the time of writing this, there are some 4,200 religions in the world today. So, in essence, there are 4,199 who have either got it wrong, or are, to put it in very simple terms, inveterate liars.

While some religions could be termed extremely questionable from the outset, if not at times just simply "cults", many seem to exist for the sole purpose of providing their respective CEOs with a second home in Beverley Hills, Ferrari cars and Rolex watches, all at the expense of their tithed, and some might say, astoundingly gullible "parishioners".

Modern religions of the past couple of hundred years or so are very much like the equivalent modern phenomenon of insurance / travel comparison websites or food delivery apps. One starts up and others copy and follow, offering pretty much the same thing, existing for no other reason than jumping on the bandwagon as a route to a healthy corporate bank account and buyout a few years down the line. Or in the case of Experian who actually insult the consumer by comparing themselves to their own brands (Virago and, which is about as bizarre as it can get (that is, until you look into this "secular koranism", which is a corker of pure beyond-bizarreness).

Competition is healthy, but when all are pretty much offering the same product or service, it does make you wonder.

L. Ron Hubbard, the science fiction writer who founded the multi-billion dollar Scientology industry, is widely rumoured to have said, way back in the late 1940's, "You don't get rich writing science fiction. The way to make a million dollars is to start a religion", ( which is precisely what the founders of many modern religions have also set out to do. In 1952 L. Ron then said, “The only way you can control a people is to lie to them” and he again used religion as an example. (

Well, it sure beats having to work for a living, standing up in front of a transfixed audience spouting any old tosh you can. Praise the lord. Glory be. Pass the begging bowls. Large notes only. Yes, we do take Visa.

The more charismatic they are, the bigger the income that flows. They are all similar to insurance scams, but here it is the "religion" that has the fake accident, and it's the religion's members who then provide the pay-out by instalments every time they attend a meeting.

Some religions are a bit like Amazon Prime. They are run by a ridiculously wealthy power-lover who doesn't pay his working minions all that well and who doesn't make it especially easy for his customer members to leave.

"secular koranism" presents one cult red-flag after another that should ring alarm bells even in the most docile of sheep pens. Remember, like L Ron Hubbard - "The only way you can control a people is to lie to them”!!) it is, in a nutshell, downright weird. 

For starters, the built-in auto-correct in this blog-writing application, as you can see from the screenshot immediately below, questions whether it is in fact a real word (Word and the likes of Grammarly and LanguageTool all reject it also) in the first place.


But what is most worrying is that some of the red flags are, well, to put it mildly, very deeply disturbing. 

While it is our democratic right to have a freedom of expression, many of the ramblings conflict not only with basic human logic, or more importantly, impinge on human rights and freedoms, they actually conflict with what the inventor of this guff is actually preaching herself! Let's look at some of them in a little more detail:

  1. For a start, the two-word title is a ridiculous, and nonsensical oxymoron. Look up any dictionary, and you'll see that "secular" relates to "non-religious" while "Koranism", the made-up word the originator has devised, similar to the stupid word "housebarrassment" that DIY chain Wickes invented, is based on the Muslim holy bible the Koran. This means that should your IQ falter into single figures and you decide to become a follower, it implies, as would be the case with any adherent to one of the world's long-established bibles, that this is a rather "religious" origin to base your "secular" nonsense on.

    There is no reason on earth why an Agnostic or for that matter, a non-Agnostic should change the religion they were born into and one they currently don't follow to suddenly convert and become a secular member of another religion that they then won't follow either!

    The big hint is the word Agnostic. It is totally nonsensical!
    Agnostics, atheists or people who are secular do not convert to another religion just to then opt out of it! They simply and straightforwardly opt out of the one they were born into! This is nothing but total stupidity.

    You can by all means become a secular Muslim, that is, if Islam was the religion you were originally born into. Once you declare you are secular, it can ONLY be from the religion you were born into.

    So, to become a secular koranist implies you are a "secular book-reader", which is as stupid as the illogical concept itself. The Koran is not secular. It is a major world religion's BIBLE! A religion's holy book. There are secular Christians, not secular Old or New Testamentists. There are no secular Torahists. And you certainly won't find a secular auditor down at the all-singing, all-dancing, fun-loving Scientologists! YOU DO NOT FOLLOW A BIBLE IF YOU ARE SECULAR!

    The principle here is "what people don't know, they just make up". She is in essence suggesting that you should become the equivalent of a "vegan meat-eater"

  2. While the originator of this nonsensical "secular koranism" is an Agnostic, which she mentions quite regularly, although she occasionally changes her mind and says she is a secular koranist. She was of course at one time undecided, but now she's not too sure. She continually touts that her followers (all few dozen of them and everyone else who doesn't follow her) should all become Muslims. Not very secular at all.

    Make your mind up madame! You seem more confused than we are, and we don't even get it at all in the first place.

    That an Agnostic who has invented an alleged secular movement should push everyone to become a Muslim (or any other religion for that matter), is as completely disingenuous and infantile as it can stupidly get!

    Here's another one of many strange posts from this "Agnostic".

  3. The originator of "secular koranism" thinks Christianity is "kaput".

    This is quite hard to swallow when you consider this small selection, of many other examples available, below of the religion this Agnostic or secularist, or whatever she is wants the world to convert to, has, in essence "sponsored":
    • Osama bin Laden, together with those who flew 'planes into the twin towers in New York were not "kaput Christians"
    • those who bombed the tube train in London on 7/7 and who ran away dressed in burkas shouting Allahu's Snackbar (or whatever it is they shout), were not "kaput Christians"
    • he who blew himself up among families enjoying an event in the Manchester Arena was not a "kaput Christians" 
    • those who hijacked the plane to Uganda and murdered a wheelchair-bound Jewish pensioner were not "kaput Christians"
    • "kaput Christians" do not murder people in Pakistan for blasphemy against a scientifically unprovable piece of work from 600AD
    • "kaput Christians" do not give out sweets and chocolate on the streets of Gaza to celebrate the murder of Israeli families by Hamas terrorists
    • "kaput Christians do not issue death threats (the joy-filled 'Fatwah') out on anyone who even looks at a Quran cross-eyed
    • those who murdered Israeli athletes at the Munich 1972 Olympics were not "kaput Christians"
    • those who sell their under-age girls into marriage are not "kaput Christians"
    • those who prevent girls from attending school, encourage 9-year-old girls to wear burkas, and demean women by stripping them of their independence and expecting them to dress in a burka are not "kaput Christians"
    • the approximately 95% of the Somalian female population who have been genitally mutliated are neither "kaput Christians" nor have they been mutilated by "kaput Christians". Somalia is not a Christian country. It is a kaput Muslim one.
    • those claiming that murderous martyrs have access to 72 virgins (now that is total unprovable nonsense) as a reward for causing death and destruction are not "kaput Christians"

    All the above all tend to be Muslim as opposed to "kaput" Christians! As I have mentioned again and again, it is only a small minority of Muslims who carry out the above" and again, it is not "kaput" Christians!

    So, despite the world-wide murder and mayhem, the inventor of
    "secular koranism" says we should all convert and in essence support these crazies. Yes, there are certainly kranks and crazies in all religions, but very few do the above as a result of interpreting the very book that the inventor claims provides the best basis for a secular following!

    And to think the inventor of this
    nonsense, allegedly with a law degree, claims she is also a "scientist". In a democratic world, this is real scary dystopian stuff!

    Also, all of this from the inventor of this nonsense is worryingly reminiscent of a certain Mr Hitler at Nuremberg in 1933. She is trying to rid the USA of all other political parties. That's very democratic, eh?

    Never again? Not if she gains control! It'll be yes again! And not just Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, LGBT's, political opponents, the disabled, trade union leaders, communists, Romas and Gypsies.

  4. The originator of this nonsensical "secular koranism" wants to instil some very distasteful Taliban-like practices into the worlds' democratic constitutions, in particular, a barbaric 100 lashes for parents with children out of wedlock. She wants to abolish gay marriages/civil partnerships.

    Perhaps she needs to spend some of her considerable spare time campaigning for Hamas to stop throwing LGBT Palestinians from the tops of buildings in Gaza or gay-hunting in Pakistan!

    Or to stop the religious leaders (using the term "dictator" might be more truthful) of the non Christian country Iran to stop dehumanising females from not long after their birth as in the image directly above.

    All very strange from someone who is supposedly Agnostic or secular (depending on which way the wind blows)!

  5. In very classic blame-cultural and "I'm innocent, it wasn't me" style, rather than make statements herself, the originator reposts all manner of conspiracy theory and crank USA material from YouTube onto her timeline. Because of a lack of watchers of the YouTube rubbish posted/reposted (videos of cats eating breakfast gain more viewers, likers and sharers!), the originator will tag in people on Facebook in an effort to "spread" the cow dung across the social field.

    An example of conspiracy theorising and not proving claims made by either herself or her cronies, in this case, a Vincent Bruno,
    promulgating unfounded and unprovable tropes about Zionism. In effect, this below is nothing but blame culture and blatant antisemitism under the definition of antisemitism accepted worldwide. He's probably even misspelt the word on purpose so he can claim that's not what he meant (although personally, I think it's because he's an ignorant tosser who can't even spell his consporacy theories correctly!).
    I asked for proof, but almost 24 hours later, not a peek. And this from a woman who in essence stalks Facebook, normally responding to replies to her posts before they're even finished being written! Some two days later, the original poster Bruno offered up a personal blog from someone as proof. Yes, proof indeed. NOT. A personal blog as proof? He might as well have asked a giraffe to vouch for his allegations. What a total idiot.

    With his antisemtic and unproven statement still on Facebook weeks later - this is typically how antisemites operate - they delay and delay until someone in authority actually forces them to erase their fantasies, but by then, the damage has been done.

    Thankfully, in the case of things related to Claire Khaw, her readership is negligable. In fact it is so negligable as to be firmly in "why bother" terrority. But that is not the point.

    According to Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of World Religions, Hindutva is a concept of "Indian cultural, national, and religious identity". How this is "totally owned" and "an arm" of Zionism, well, you are sentient and intelligent people, so no further explanation is necessary. In fact, here, to save you researching -

    So yet another cheap and ignorant conspiracy theorist having a pop at the Jews. Again!

    Take this Clint Eastwood lookalike below who is a right lulu, and calls Americans "dumbsh*ts". Yes, OK, some, in fairness are, thinking that wrestling is real, supporting Nazi maggots like the KKK and not buying a property becase it is too far from the local McDonalds.

    But pots shouldn't really call kettles black, regardless of "Clint" here basking in a PhD and having had an illustrious political career, seen here smiling like Batman's adversary the Joker, just without the make-up. He can't even write a simple headline correctly, his verbs, adjectives and improper nouns all being first-letter capitalised.

  6. When the originator does point you towards a "video" on YouTube (remember, YouTube is primarily designed as an open video platform so as such, lacks any form of authority!), she never actually appears herself. This is on the ridiculous premise of "wanting people to focus on her words". So you only ever hear a soundtrack. And "secularly" appearing as if wearing that beacon of democracy, the burka!

    Twisted or what?

    Or something to hide perhaps? Hmmmm!

  7. She is also a keen fan of Ilan Omar, the highly disrespected USA senator who is an avowed antisemite and seeks the destruction of a democratic state, Israel, while herself coming from the highly undemocratic and franky quite barbaric country Somalia (where she would be better employed compaigning in the USA against the femal genital mutilation that affects over 95% of the Somalian female population).

  8. Overall, 70%-80% of comments on her Facebook timeline are answered by her with a question. This implies either a serious non-committal to her own fantasy, or an otherwise abject insecurity in the validity of the nonsense she peddles.

  9. If you do question her on the world-acknowledged fact that, sadly, most terrorist incidents of the past couple of decades have come from Islamic-inspired jihadists, despite always stressing in my own responses to her drivel that 99% of Muslims are normal, good people, she immediately accuses me of Islamophobia.

    This from a woman who is supposedly Agnostic (when not a satanic krankyist), yet she is allowed, thanks to western democracy, to derides Christianity at every opportunity. She derides it in a manner that if you undertook the equivalent derision of Islam (the religion, that, as an Agnostic/secular person, she constantly proselytes for) in Pakistan, you would simply be murdered. And in other Muslim countries, you'd certainly be stoned, lashed or locked up indefinitely.

    Such frightening and unbelievable double-standards.

  10. And then this. "Synthesis?" Some truth at last, although "spade-a-spade" callers and cynics suggest it might be more correctly and honestly diagnosed as "appropriation" of bits of both original religions, coupled with a healthy dose of extra fiction culled from the 600 intervening years following the founding of Christianity and that of the founding of Islam.

  11. Pure irony. She pushes Islam down everyone's throats, yet supports the very group of moronic people, the far right, who would like it totally eradicated!

    So, according to the inventor of this nonsense, who, bearing in mind wants people to convert to Islam, it is better to be a member of the Muslim-hating far right than to be "far wrong" about HER opinionated utter nonsensical cr*p!

    This is even more confusing than it is disingenous! Lah-lah land stuff. And a danger to society.

    This all points to a seemingly very, very confused woman!

  12. Telegram - noted as one of the great private and secure applications on the internet and mobils, is the technology of choice if you want to get on with should you have something to hide, especially useful if you are peddling extremely questionable rubbish (or drugs, fake credit cards, fake ID's, pornography) and need secret chat and secret video calling facilities. Telegram is the ideal home for conspiracy theorists, fake news spreaders and of course, jihadists.

    It is a 100% fact that normal people with nothing to hide who are peddling something legitimate and necessary would simply not use Telegram.

    All the online safety experts and those of consumer television programmes tell you not to leave the social platform you are on via a link, unless it is something absolutely necessary, such as a genuine commercial sale, membership or similar. I would find that a Facebook user requesting followers to join Telegram, of all services, when there is a perfectly suitable in-built messenger avaiklable from Facebook, quite suspect.

    Telegram is predominantly the medium of choice for
    undesirables who simply do not want to be caught by the authorities - racists, bigots, far rightists, drug dealers, thieves, money launderers and others of similar social non-standing.

    If this satanic krankyism is so vital, real and genuine, it should be 100% transparent. Which it is not. The priests of her "kaput" Christianity do not use Telegram to contact their parishioners.
    The "kaput" Protestant and Catholic religions, when on official business, do not use Telegram!

    However, the Taliban, ISIS, Boko Haram,
    Hezbollah and all other loony-tunes and/or terrorists have, or do, use Telegram.
    If you do join Telegram for the purpose of this dystopian initiative, ensure you screen grab every conversation. If anything does go belly up, and the buck returns to stop back with you, you won't have a leg to hop on. 

    So, now over to you to make your own decision on everything connected with satanic krankyism. Unlike the inventor of this nonsense seems to wish, that is not allowing you any democratic input into her ramblings, it is YOUR decision, not mine.

    All I have done is point out the facts, which in my humble opinion, expose a very dystopian and dangerous thing.

    Just remember, the Fatwah-generators do not take lightly to a secular participation in Islam. And this below is what happens to people like Sir Salman Rushdie when the lunatic clerics of peace from Iran "remove" a 25-year murder Fatwah, yet their headbanging followers refuse to obey. This man has endured over a quarter of a century of misery thanks to the orders of a lunatic religious weirdbeard over comments he made about an unprovable religious novel.

    So, to repeat what I have already written above, there is no reason on earth why an Agnostic, or for that matter, a non-Agnostic should change the religion they were born into and one they currently don't follow to suddenly convert and become a secular member of another religion that they won't follow either! The big hint is the word Agnostic. It is totally nonsensical!  
    Agnostics, atheists or people who are secular do not convert to another religion just to then opt out of it! They simply and straightforwardly opt out of the one they were born into!
    However, unlike the inventor of this highly unsecular, secular koranism nonsense, I really don't care what you believe in or what you follow, providing it doesn't affect the safety of my family and friends. It's your money, and it's your waste of time and effort. Enjoy. All I have alluded to above is based on my own personal research and my own conclusions which I do say are similar to those of several others I have shown this secular koranism nonsense to, including three very good friends of mine who happen to be Muslim, and while not necessarily insulted by it, they do find it THE most bizare and unsettling concept of Islam they have ever seen.
    So, if you think Vulcan is much more than a large, British-built delta wing bomber from the mid-50's, then off you go. Give the late Mr Spock my regards. It's life, but not as we know it Jim.
    You boldly go where no other sentient being dares to go. May the farce be with you (Oh OK, OK. I know, the latter one is, as the inventor of satanic krankyism would say, "synthesised" from Star Wars).

    But if you enjoy it, good luck to you. By all means, do it. None of my business, really. It's the most fun you can have that doesn't involve either mind-bending drugs or being audited by a
    Dianetics nutter with his hand firmly on your wallet! You may even get your own monogrammed homicide belt.

    To assist you further with an understanding (haha) of this satanic krankyism: (
    in my opinion, total b*ll*x part 1 - however, unlike the inventor would wish, [because we are all wrong, and only she is right], I insist you make your own judgement)
    (in my opinion, total b*ll*x part 2 - however, unlike the inventor would wish, [because we are all wrong, and only she is right], I again insist you make your own judgement)

    Oh, and a "solution", despite what the inventor says below, is actually a solute dissolved in a liquid. Unless she means
    nitro-glycerine. The liquid of choice of the Taliban. Who are just plain and simply Satanists.

    Strangely, and something the inventor of krankyism never alludes to, the Taliban just happen to use the Koran as their instruction manual, but in an altogether very antisocial and non-secular manner. They will happily lop your head off if they find out you have been even looking at their bible cross-eyed, let along using it in anyway a secular manner. 
    So do bring your own canvas bag for your head if you think the happy-clappy Taliban might in any way be involved.

    In my very humble yet evidence/observance-based opinion, this 'cult' is a disguised inferior silk purse cleverly, yet very clumsily, made from a maggot-infested sow's ear. I have to conclude, therefore, there is nothing either "rational or moral" about this "secular koranism" that I can in any way identify. So, as such, is it one of life's extremely unecessary displeasures.


    And she has stated this on more than one occasion, even though I keep demonstrating her anssemitic postings over and over again

M’Lord, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. I have been requested by the defendant to point out where in her social media posts has she written anything antisemitic. I will start by informing you that the reposting of antisemitic material is essentially guilty by association and endorsement because if you are truly not antisemitic, you do your utmost to ensure that material on your social (or other blog) media cannot in any way be seen as antisemitic.

I would point out at this juncture that the defendant has a history of association with the far-right British white-supremacy neo-nazi group the BNP (British National Party) not especially recognised for the pro-Jewish utterances. In 2010. She was the election agent for Jeffrey Marshall (her then partner), the party's candidate in London's Bethnal Green and Bow. She was, according to Tom Pride, author of “Pride’s Purge” - She was thrown out of the BNP:

“…… for being too extreme. Apparently, even the BNP couldn’t stomach Claire’s views – for example euthanasia for disabled babies. She said “If I had a severely disabled child or knew I was about to have one I wouldn’t impose it on the taxpayer and expect other people to pay for all the expensive equipment that it needs …”

She still holds this view today, having reposted as recently as August 2023, some 11 years later, a truly vile post from American far-right conspiracy theorist and antisemite Vincent Bruno admitting he is an advocate for post-natal infanticide. 

During the Second World War, the Nazis had their T-4 Programme where individuals with mental or physical disabilities were targeted by Adolf Hitler for their murder. Some 200,000 people with disabilities were murdered between 1940 and 1945.

It is ironic that the defendant should advocate this form of murder, as in April 2012, on the “Hope not Hate” Facebook page, contributor Michael Kenneth suggests “Claire Khaw is an ex-member of the BNP, and is generally considered to have some sort of undiagnosed mental illness.” So she would in essence be a victim of her own self-endorsed murder.

The defendant, in the past, has been seen photographed with David Irving, disgraced Holocaust-denying historian (jailed in Austria for three years in 2006 for his outpourings) on two occasions, a man who the defendant excuses by simply saying “is entitled to his opinion”,






as well as being photographed in front of a Nazi Swastika holding an automatic rifle. 


She excuses Hitler by simply saying “he was not perfect”.

She has used a picture of Adolf Hitler on several occasions during August 2023 to illustrate one of her blog sites (Exhibit 5), and one of her blog sites, (Exhibit 6) which she uses to promote her oxymoronically named cult “Secular Koranism”, features an artwork of religious Jewish men reading out of the “Torah”, the Hebrew version of the Old Testament.

That she uses such an image to promote her cult is both as devious as it is dishonest. Many observers consider it should be more honestly titled “radisalisedimam”, as aside from respecting the Koran as the Islamic “Bible”, Jews do not have anything to do with the Koran as a source of religious Jewish learning.

Academic observers observe this as a form of subtle, auto-suggestive antisemitism. She does this so that when she posts something divisive that may be seen as against Sharia Law, her antisemitic followers, which include hardcore Islamists (she had never criticised or condemned Jihadist violence or terrorism), will immediately blame the Jews, thus diverting attention away from the defendant herself.

She also claims that “Allah is the God of Israel” (Exhibit 7). While the Prophet is most certainly the God of the 1.707 million (around 18.1%) Muslim population (as of 2022) in Israel, that “he is the God of Israel” is patently a completely false belief and a slur on the Jewish and Christian population of Israel.

She also claims that her cult Secular Koranism can exhibit “Israeli characteristics” (Exhibit 8), another falsehood. The “main” characteristic demonstrated by Israelis, is that exhibited equally in countries such as France, Italy and the Far East, that of impatient and aggressive driving. To claim her cult demonstrates “Israeli Characteristics” is as facile and ridiculous as claiming “some airline pilots exhibit Belgian characteristics”, or “some supermarket bags-for-life exhibit Panamanian characteristics”.

She also reposts material from rabidly antisemitic conspiracy theorist Vincent Bruno who claims that “Hidutvah (Indian Hindu Nationalism) is totally owned and is an arm of Zionism”, a claim that is utterly preposterous given that Zionism is “a nationalist movement that emerged in the 19th century to espouse support for the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people” and therefore nothing to so with India where the current Jewish population is just over 5,000 persons out of a total population of 1.4 Billion. 

She also has the nerve to post this obviously clueless that the Koran has absolutely nothing to do with Zionism.

She also reposted an item from Bruno where he claimed that the seven students of the Beth El Community in Vizag, India who were awarded certificates for their completion of the Orach Chaim Study Programme (of the Noahide Academy of Israel), were “Indian Noahide Terrorists”. I remind M’Lord and the member of the Jury, that the reposting of antisemitic material is essentially guilty by association and endorsement because if you are truly not antisemitic, you do your utmost to ensure that material on your social (or other blog) media cannot in any way be seen as being antisemitic. 

She also claims (care of her friend Bruno) that "Homosexuality is part of Jewish tradition".

She also allows several vehemently antisemitic users of Facebook to post on her timeline without censure or removal (Exhibit 11).

So in conclusion, given the above proof, something the defendant is very short of coming up with herself when asked regarding her conspiracy theories, I ask that you recommend that the defendant is indeed antisemitic. I ask you that she is banned from social media and that her blogs that reference Jews and Judaism be taken down immediately, as nothing she says reflects either Jews or Judaism.

She plainly does not read what she posts. So in summation, you decide who is correct, Claire Khaw




 The above from the Islamic academic, Wm. Halim Breiannis who reviewed her book on "Secular Koranism". (


Can you simply imagine what rubbish she is indoctrinating her children with, should she have any? A perfect case for having Social Services involved with their upbringing.




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