Come on folks, let's not be cynical.
Now that you have all sewn up your stomachs following its gutting by the death of Mr Sven-Göran Eriksson, it's time to consider Oasis.
(I cannot understand why anyone would want to become, in essence, a "disciplinati" and go through such a cruel self-mutilation as a "gutting" on behalf of someone who died that they don't know, have never met and who didn't help their family in any material way except encourage them to part with £85 for a shirt with an advertisement on the front for some large corporation, and which was manufactured in Bangladesh by a half-blind child for $4).
Yes, let's all fawn and become positively orgasmic at the thought of two louts from Burnage in Manchester (OK, yes, they are talented) getting together to altruistically sell hundreds of thousands of tickets, a year in advance, at £100+ a time [plus rip-off fee], flog t-shirts and other worthless branded tat at the concerts, all for no other reason than to bring their music to the masses. (£400million in estimated earnings from a series of concerts in the UK and Ireland alone already being thrown around).
For those with patience (a lovely girl by the way), hang on and no doubt the incredibly tuneful (wai aye) "Little Fix" and over-tattooed "No Direction" will sadly be back soon. Maybe even Kylie Minogue might get back together herself (her legs went solo for several years) and go on the road.
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