My new book has escaped onto Amazon
A disordered chronicle of my life and times including ins, outs, ups and downs with a smattering of my time as features and diary editor of Dublin's "Social and Personal" magazine, the 70's/80's equivalent of "Hello" magazine, long before Hello was even a glint in the publisher's eyes.
It is a book of life stories with a healthy/unhealthy dose
of observance, satire and cynicism thrown in. So not exactly a traditional
autobiography by any stretch of even the most fertile of imaginations.
It's all about the things I got up to, down to and sideways to, with an
unhealthy dose of total irrelevancy thrown in.
It includes when we, as a family met one of Ireland’s most recognised TV personalities and became firm, family friends, their daughter being responsible for my unceremonious entry into the 4th Estate.
Off to the Canary Islands in the days before direct flights. Having lunch with my first real, live celebrity. How I received the best pieces of journalistic interviewing advice ever from Sir Peter Ustinov. A very surreal (is there any other kind?) interview with Spike Milligan. Having tea with Alice Cooper. Wondering if I had been given a missed “come on” message by Liza Goddard. Having a direct telephone line to speak to a Lord Mayor of Dublin. Being friends (only friends!) with a Miss Ireland. Being blown up in the Forum/Europa hotel in Belfast. Being at a “concert” (well a few songs on the piano in a deserted hotel lounge) for just 10 people given by Francis Rossi (Status Quo). Attending a Guinness (the Guinness) family wedding. Taking on an email scammer. Wondering whether we have all become not just bad writers, but bad readers.
And then wondering if you can put up with my irreverent sense of humour.
Not many can and do live to survive the ordeal.
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