That famous line - what have the Romans ever for us? - from the hilarious activists' (Reg and the lads) scene in the wonderfully funny "Life of Brian" film is concluded with: "All right... all right... but apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order... what have the Romans done for us ? And so it has been throughout history. People disaffected with their society form their own little groupings in protest, sometimes to just sit around and complain verbally, others to take a more direct action. Whether social, political, military or even terrorist. All have their own little agenda, some, far more legitimate than others, whether for a genuine cause in protest, simply as an easier route to making money than entering gainful employment, or to ultimately be awarded in the Queen’s Honours. Some leave behind a legacy that enters the history books as a landmark -...
On my soapbox again!