Well done to everyone involved with Sport Relief in raising almost £40milion and especially to the fantastic Zoe Ball for raising a thoroughly amazing £1million-plus on her own. Bet dad Johnny must be so proud. Astounding.
Also, delighted to see that 3 of the 11 homeless people sleeping in doorways along Manchester's Deansgate this morning now have little put-me-up-tents. Not that I'm advocating too much charity should begin at home. But at least three of these unfortunate people can now cough and sneeze in the comfort of their own now-enclosed pavement slabs.
Oh! And that after 8 months of chaos they have now resurfaced Bury New Bottleneck Road as part of the £800,000 "Village" improvement that no one in the area wanted nor were consulted on. I'm just chuffed, as a council tax payer, that the cash-strapped Council indeed had some spare cash to waste, er, sorry, I mean spend on this. Well done to Councillor Backhandcash for pushing it though in the first place.
And planting saplings along the route in the midst of winter. Very novel. And now expired. Ex-saplings. They have ceased to be. Presumably suggested by PwC or Deloittes who no doubt employ Councillor Backhandcash's relative and have shares in the sapling company. Unlike us mere saps the borough residents, who proudly have newly-introduced traffic snarl-ups and the necessity of setting out for work 15 minutes earlier each day to compensate. Something the Bury Councillors don't have to negotiate each morning to get to their ivory towers, with only piss-poor and expensive public transport as the alternative for us mere mortals.
In fairness, the bit of the Village's new road as you pass by Farm Foods (on the way to the Cancer Research Charity shop near the Bury Hospice Charity Shop and Barclays Bank opposite the estate agents and hairdressers by the kebab shops and chicken shack near NatWest Bank, but not as far down as TSB Bank or the opticians - all part of the up-market "Village" atmosphere you will understand) I'm sure must get a 10 from Len.
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