The internet gurus keep warning us that if we continue to use adblockers, it will break the internet. For those of you perhaps not too familiar with internet parlance, adblockers are little extensions you can add to your internet browser that run automatically to prevent intrusive and nearly-always unwanted advertisements popping up on your screen or when you are browsing the World Wide Web. You know the sort – those that pop-up for the accident claims you've never had accidents for each and every time you type the letters “acc” of the word “accountancy” into your computer. When not using adblockers, as you go about your web searching, your social media meandering, or your visit to a real media site, big brother, who is of course watching you all the time, picks up what you are either searching for or looking at and, hey presto, a “relevant” advertisement pops up on your screen. It’s all quite clever really. Except there are only so many times you can be asked whether you h...
On my soapbox again!