Very depressing news. It would appear that some of the "uneducated masses" who have flocked to Syria on a 'Jihadiholiday' are less than impressed with the brutality of the IS regime and its management. Leaving behind good honest regular meals such as Chicken Cottage and Subway (Halal) in favour of sweet and sour gravel and camel dung au lait is not going down too well. Also, not being allowed to glue to facebook, instagram and twitter (there's the thing to do - bomb the reg ion's phone masts into oblivion) 24 hours a day in favour of praising the local kebab shop Alah's Akbar is really not going down too well at all. Plus, not being allowed lippie, having to wear a black bin-bag 24/7 and the only available TV being "Stars in their Semtex" , "The only way is Sharia", "Breaking Backs" and "I'm an Ayatollah get me out of here" is slightly aggravating some of the nice young female suicide bombers ...
On my soapbox again!