* When there were only three television stations (5 if you lived in Dublin where you nicked HTV and Ulster) * When the the TV remote control consisted of your feet and fingers * When bored children were taken to the park with a football instead of to McDonalds * When girls didn't have tattoos * When young mothers talked to their perambulated children rather than to Facebook and Snapchat * When you didn't need £15,000 of dental work, Ugg boots and a 4x4 you were unable to park in a traditional parking space in order to be a "real" housewife * When your parents wouldn't have let you out of the house with your hat on backwards, the knees of your trousers cut away, your underpants' band showing and your trouser crotch down at your knees * When Manchester United and Manchester City footballers all came from Manchester * You didn't take your phone with you to the toilet, to make a cuppa, to answer the door, to open the window, to go to bed, to...
On my soapbox again!